Vintage Movie Posters...What Are They Worth?
Movie posters look great, but how do experts ascertain value, condition, and originality?
Your Introduction to Folk and Outsider Art
What is "outsider" art? Who is an "outsider"? Read on for answers to all of your questions!
Selling your Art? What You Need To Know
How to avoid common pitfalls, and what to do when trying to sell your artwork!
How Does the IRS Define a "Qualified Appraiser?"
Lynn Magnusson, ASA, AAA, ISA AM explains the standards the IRS uses to define a "qualified appraiser."
Lynn Magnusson Speaks With Design NJ Magazine In Latest Article
Design NJ just published a story on appraising inherited antiques, citing Lynn Magnusson, ASA, AAA! Read the full article, "Not Just Any Old Thing," here.
Keep It, Cash It, Gift It or Trash It?
Play our New Magusson Game: Keep It, Cash It, Gift It or Trash It?
Never Pay for a Storage Unit!
On a regular basis, I talk my clients out of paying for a storage unit. Read more to find out why.
Paintings Undervalued by $1.77 Million in Estate Tax Case
If the IRS determines that you gave them a misleading appraisal report, expect to pay. In Estate of Kollsman v. Commissioner, the Tax Court found that the evaluation used for the Estate's taxes was off by $1.77 Million. What went wrong?
Appraisal Story: The Painting Behind the Piano
I’ve learned an important fact in my years as an appraiser: Expect the Unexpected!A few years ago, I found myself in the home of a new client...
Do You Know What You Own?
How do you determine what your household contents are worth in the current marketplace? Most people assume their homeowner's insurance covers what they own, but they do so without a basic grasp of their collection.