Your Unsigned Art could be a relic from the USSR!
A quick guide to estimate if your unsigned art might be from the Soviet Union.
The Ultimate Guide for Buying Antique Furniture In Real Life
There are so many ways to buy secondhand furniture. Find out which is best for you!
Managing Estate Sale Anxiety: An Estate Sale Experience
Read this estate sale testimonial about handling downsizing anxiety.
The Ultimate Top 10 Holiday Gifts Ideas for 2017
This holiday season, find the perfect gift at a bargain price.
Do You Need an Estate Sale?
Right around this time of year, our phones ring off the hook with people wondering if they should have an estate sale. Do you wonder, too?
5 Hacks to Let Go Of Your "Stuff" (& Make Money!) while Downsizing
The majority of calls we receive contain the words: “lots of stuff.” The definition of “stuff” is quite broad, isn’t it? Many of us don't even know what their "stuff" is- but we know we don't want to let go of it! Our Hacks give you simple advice about how to let go of unused items and to turn them into money.
Do You Need a Professional Downsizer?
If you need professional help (with your downsizing project, I mean!) there are countless options available to you.
The Top 10 Vintage Holiday Gifts
This holiday season, find the perfect gift at a bargain price. How? Go vintage!
A Lower Estate Sale Commission DOES NOT Mean More Money
Does a Lower Estate Sale Commission Mean More Money for You? NO! Estate liquidation is a booming industry. Are you going to let a stranger without credentials come into your home or a family member’s home to take charge of the contents?