Donate to the NCJAR 2017 Winter Coat & Turkey Drives
Winter is approaching and Thanksgiving is already right around the corner. Donate food items and gently used coats now!
Will your Items Sell Best at Auction?
Learn if consigning to an auction house is the right sales methodology for your project.
Paintings Undervalued by $1.77 Million in Estate Tax Case
If the IRS determines that you gave them a misleading appraisal report, expect to pay. In Estate of Kollsman v. Commissioner, the Tax Court found that the evaluation used for the Estate's taxes was off by $1.77 Million. What went wrong?
Appraisal Story: The Painting Behind the Piano
I’ve learned an important fact in my years as an appraiser: Expect the Unexpected!A few years ago, I found myself in the home of a new client...
Live on Bidsquare: Affordable Art Auction
The Magnusson's inaugural online auction will consist of affordable art from all over the globe, including watercolors, oils, charcoals, etchings, prints and drawings. This offering is designed to appeal to all art lovers and collectors with a wide variety of flat art being auctioned.
Do You Need an Estate Sale?
Right around this time of year, our phones ring off the hook with people wondering if they should have an estate sale. Do you wonder, too?
The Big Mistake Celebrities Make When Estate Planning
Prince died without a will and his estate is now subject to intestacy laws. This very private person’s life will now become very public. His story is another timely reminder that nearly everyone thinks they will live a long time. Can you or your clients learn from his mistakes?
5 Hacks to Let Go Of Your "Stuff" (& Make Money!) while Downsizing
The majority of calls we receive contain the words: “lots of stuff.” The definition of “stuff” is quite broad, isn’t it? Many of us don't even know what their "stuff" is- but we know we don't want to let go of it! Our Hacks give you simple advice about how to let go of unused items and to turn them into money.
Do You Need a Professional Downsizer?
If you need professional help (with your downsizing project, I mean!) there are countless options available to you.
It's Old! How Age Affects Your Valuables
In almost every phone call that comes into my office, there is someone on the other line interested in the price of something “old.” This is what you need to know about age & personal property.