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Blog Justin Mabee Blog Justin Mabee

Not Sure if you Need a Professional Appraiser?

If you want to know if hiring a certified & accredited appraiser is worth your time and money, then do a little preliminary research on your objects. If you can identify an item of furniture, jewelry, decorative or fine art, you are on your way to determining a value.

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Blog Justin Mabee Blog Justin Mabee

What do you want to know?

I never would have guessed the top 10 searches of items people want to know about on this website, would you? Read more to see what people are searching for in 2010.

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Blog Justin Mabee Blog Justin Mabee

America's Top Doggies Market

The Magnusson family loves dogs and dog art! We sure do love our puppies here. Visit Polly and Sasha, mother and daughter Bijons (Polly ex-Westminster show!). Read more to discover new dog art at our gallery.

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