Staff Favorites From Our Morristown Estate
Our staff picked out some of the their favorite pieces available at our upcoming Morristown estate sale...
It Sold For What?! - Classic Car Edition
Everybody loves a classic car, but not everyone knows the risks involved in purchasing one. It's time to test your knowledge of these four-wheeled appreciable assets!
Lynn's Likes: Harding Estate Highlights
Our company president walks you through some of the most interesting pieces available at our upcoming Harding estate sale...
It Sold For What?! - Timepiece Edition
Test your knowledge of the luxury timepiece market!
It Sold For What?! - Downsizing Edition
Out of these household collectibles, can you guess which sold for what?
It Sold For What?! - Collectibles
Out of these household collectibles, can you guess which sold for what?
It Sold for WHAT?! - Sculpture Edition
It Sold for WHAT?! is back! See the latest release of our Magnusson Original Trivia Game.
It Sold for WHAT?!
Hello! Welcome to the Magnusson Online Game, It Sold for WHAT?!In this game of trivia, you are given 2 images of fine & decorative arts. Deduce which item sold for what between the options.Ready? Set? Go!